Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Quote of the Day

"There is only one pretty child in the world, and every mother has it." Chinese Proverb

Weaning and Cabbage Leaves

You want to take this process slowly and in a timely manner for both you and your baby. You want to take a feeding away every week. Start taking the feeding that is less important first. When I started weaning my daughter Reagan, I started with the morning feeding. When we would wake up in the mornings I would start with some solids and keep her distracted. I started this process when she turned 11 months old. Then by the time she was a year old, she would be weaned. After the morning feeding, I took away the early afternoon one, then the late afternoon one, then the night feeding. The night feeding was the hardest one, but she adjusted well. I struggled with the weaning process, wondering if I was ready, but by the time I got done weaning I was so happy to be done nursing.

Try to occupy your baby with other things, such as reading or playing or having a snack. Make sure that you offer water, so your baby doesn’t get dehydrated. Your baby should be use to sippy cups from when they started solids. You can try juice, but not to often. Some doctors say that milk is fine when they are 11 months old, but I don’t like to start it until the baby has turned a year old.

When you take a feeding away every week, then you don’t get sore breasts and infections. If you are a working mom and pumped for every feeding, then you would wean yourself from the pump just like you do with the breasts. Take a pumping session away every week.

With my second baby, Adam, he didn’t not wean. He just stopped nursing completely at 11 months old. He didn’t want me anymore and that was hard to adjust to. So I ended up getting plugged ducts and needing antibiotics to help my infection go away. I should of pumped more often and done more to empty my breasts, but I didn't think about it. If your baby just stops cold turkey with nursing and you get plugged ducts and get in pain and don’t want antibiotics, then maybe you can try cabbage leaves.

Cabbage Leaves

I remember hearing about cabbage leaves for the first time from my cousin. She weaned her little boy completely in one day. He was 14 months old and would still wake up at night to nurse. She had had enough and so she stopped nursing cold turkey. So after a day of not nursing she was really sore. Her breasts were really full and she was in a lot of pain. She went two days in pain and finally she asked her friend if she knew how she could take the pain away, and her friend told her to use cabbage leaves. Well my cousin wasn't sure about what her friend adviced her to do, so she called the doctor. When she told the nurse what was going on, the nurse told her to use cabbage leaves also. So my cousin decided to try it and she loved it. She said that it took the pain away that same day and by two days of using cabbage leaves she was pain free and milk free.

It doesn’t matter what color, green or red, you use (the red leaf will stain your clothing, so be aware of that). They both work the same. You want to lay the leaf flat and pound it with a rolling pin to soften it up. It needs to be able to form to your breasts. Then you want to wear a stretchy bra to hold the leaf to your breast. Place the cabbage leaf on the painful areas. Leave it there until it wilts and do this twice a day. Cabbage leaves are also known to dry out your milk, so that will help you also.

You can also use cabbage leaves if your engorgement is painful. They will help with the pain, but you don’t want to use them for very long because they can dry your milk up. The leaves also help with any pain you might have under your armpits after birth or when your milk comes in. If you are leaking from your engorgement, the cabbage leaves will assist in slowing down the leaking. Remember not to use cabbage leaves for very long because they will hurt your milk supply. If you are having supply issues with your milk, don’t use the cabbage leaves at all. The leaves are mainly used for weaning mother.

I really enjoy nursing and having my baby so close and spending that time together, but it is also nice to be done. You have more freedom and you are not so scheduled with feedings. You can run more errands and go out more and not be in a rush to get back home. Make sure that you find other things to do with your baby that keeps you close and connected. The babies only get more fun and enjoyable. It is great being a mother.
Hi, I just started reading a book that I think will help us all be happier.
It's called "To Love Is TO Be Happy With" by Barry Neil Kaufman. Here are just a few paragraphs.
"Most of us believe that we have to be unhappy now so that we can be happy later." Wow! I realize that I say that to myself. Oh, I'm not happy now, but when I get what I want I will be happy.
"In using unhappiness as a motivator, reinforcer and gauge (to measure caring), we create a continual cycle of discomfort."
Think of something you are unhappy with and ask yourself,"What am I afraid would happen if
I weren't unhappy about it."
Another good one: "If I weren't unhappy about it, it would mean I didn't care."
Ask yourself these questions, "Am I afraid to give up some or all of my unhappiness? Do I believe that being perfectly happy would be boring?"
On page 120, "If I believe that I have the power to control others, then I might think I have the power to determine their desires and behavior. Yet, if I create my own feelings and behavior from my own beliefs, the only person I can possibly control is myself. How can I be responsible for the unhappiness of others or they be responsible for mine." Maybe just for today we could all try to have fewer expectations of our loved ones, and allow them to just do the best they can. After all that is what we are all doing. Have a great day and give lots of hugs and kisses to those beautiful kids of yours. I really miss mine. They grow up so fast. If you would like to get a copy of this book, I picked this one up at the library. They didn't have any and Barnes and Noble. I want to purchase me a copy, so I am going to check on Amazon.
Thanks for listening sweety pie, Jelene

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Quote of the Day

"The moment a child is born, the mother is also born. She never existed before. The women existed, but the mother, never. A mother is something absolutely new." Raineesh


A fungus, that is naturally in our bodies, gets overgrown and causes thrush and yeast infections. This fungus thrives in moist, dark area, such as vaginas, nipples, and baby’s diapers and in baby’s mouths. You, the mommy, is more likely to get thrush when your bodies are thrown out of balance. For instance, illness, antibiotic, pregnancy, may cause the thrush fungus to get overgrown to cause yeast to occur. It is very contagious; so make sure that you are always washing hands along with everyone else in the house.

You need to make sure that you rule out any other problems such as mastitis, bad latch by baby, eczema, abscess, psoriasis, etc, because these problems can have some of the same symptoms as thrush. If you or your baby has been diagnosed with thrush, you both need to be treated together.

Symptoms of the mother:
*You will have intense nipple or breast pain during feedings and won’t improve with the baby latching on better or changing positions
*Pain of the nipple or breast coming on suddenly after not having problems with breastfeeding
*Your nipples will start itching or burning, or may look pink or red; the nipples may also appear to have a rash with tiny blisters.
*You may have some white in the folds of your nipples or breasts
*New cracks or olds cracks on the nipples will not heal.
*You will have shooting pains in your nipples or breasts during or after feedings.
*The mother may have a vaginal infection

Symptoms of the baby:
*The mouth of the baby will look white; there will be white patches on the baby’s gums, cheeks, and tongue.
*The baby will get diaper rashes (may be a normal rash or the rash may have raised red dots)
*Baby may refuse to nurse, or pull off of the breast because of pain in the mouth or start making a clicking noise.
*The baby may start to be more fussy or gassy.

Here are some other factors that might increase your chances of getting thrush.
*Prior nipple damage.
*You have had an excess of yeast infections in the past.
*To many antibiotics during pregnancy or labor or throughout your life.
*A heavy consumption of sweets.
*Not changing your nursing pads often enough.
*The baby may also get it from a pacifier or from antibiotics.

To help you with yeast problem or preventing you from getting thrush, you can take some acidophilus, reduce sugar intake, garlic, grapefruit seed extract. Some other treatments for the mother are:
*Nystatin cream or ointment – prescribed by your doctor. This treatment will be the least effective of all the treatments.
*Gentian Violet – this one is over-the-counter. This one will stain your clothing so use some old clothing while using this treatment.
*Clotrimazole – this is prescribed or over-the-counter. This is also a cream, also called Lotrimin or Lotrimin AF
*Miconazole – this is over-the-counter. Can also be called Monistat-Derm cream or lotion.
Make sure that you check with your doctor to see what treatment is best for you. There might be other treatments that I have not listed.

If your baby has thrush, check with your pediatrician to see what treatment is best for your baby. Here is a list of a few treatments:
*Nystatin – prescribed by you pediatrician.
*Gentian Violet – over-the-counter.
*Clotrimazole – prescribed by your pediatrician.
*Miconazole – prescribed by your pediatrician.
There might be some better prescriptions for your baby that are not listed so check with your pediatrician. There is also a cream that can be put on the babies diaper rash that you can get from the doctor.

You need to breastfeed during treatment of thrush. Depending on what treatment is given, symptoms and pain can be gone with in forty-eight hours. If it is a more severe case of thrush, symptoms may last for three to five days. It will be painful and hard to nurse, but don’t give up. Remember to follow the instructions with the treatments and finish all of the medication to make sure the thrush is fully cleared.

To help you make it through the pain of nursing, you can rinse your nipples with water and air-dry them after every feeding. Make sure that you change your nursing pads often. You can also try offering more often short feedings, start the feeding on the side with the least pain, and make sure that you break the baby’s suctions from the breast rather then just pulling the baby off. To help keep thrush away, you will need to boil and really clean you pump, baby’s pacifier, toys, and wash your hands well all of the time. Dry your hands with paper towels for a while to prevent thrush from coming back. Make sure you wash your bra every day and clothing. Thrush is very uncomfortable for both you and your baby. Try not to give up and know that there is treatment and help out there.

Monday, July 20, 2009


When mama told Kay, my older sister about menstruation, she decided to include me so she
wouldn’t have to repeat herself in one year. Mama told us that this information was just for our
ears and that we shouldn’t talk to our friends at school about this, because their mama’s would
want to be the ones to tell their own girls. So when all the fifth grade girls were sent to watch
the "Menstruation Movie’ I was feeling pretty smug because I was the only one in the whole
class who knew all about "It" and what was going on. And I informed my friends "Oh yea, My
mom told me all about this already."

We were on our way home on the bus that day after school and of course we were all talking about the movie. One of the girls said, "I can’t believe we have to do this until we’re 45 years old!" And all of a sudden, it was like I had had a stroke. I couldn’t breathe. "FORTY FIVE YEARS, I yelled! You have got to be kidding me. I thought we only had to do it once, not once a month for forty five years!" I don’t know how I could have got my information so mixed up. How could I have been so excited about something that was not going to be any fun at all. Now I knew why everyone else was so bummed out about the whole thing. All I can think is that I had heard 'once', and stopped listening. I hadn’t heard, once a month, for the rest of your freaking life.
Kay reached her arm around my shoulder and said , "Oh, come on, it’ll be ok." I frowned at her and said, "I don’t want to talk about it."

Friday, July 17, 2009

Quote of the Day

"God could not be everywhere and therefore he made mother." Jewish Proverb

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Breasts and more Breasts

I thought since I talked about nipples and the problems that you can have with them, we should talk about the breasts and their own problems. I will about breast implants to breasts infections to breast sagging. So get ready for alot of information.

Breast Implants-

Can you still breast feed your baby? You can but it widely depends on your how your doctor did the procedure. If your doctor cut at the fold of the breast or near the armpit, then it is likely no damage was done to the milk ducts or nerves. But if your doctor did an incision close to the areola, than that will be more of a problem for nursing. A cut by the areola is more likely to damage the milk ducts and nerves. You might need to ask for help from a lactation consultant to make sure that you and the baby are breastfeeding correctly. You also need to watch to make sure your baby is gaining weight and has 8 to 12 of each wet and poopy diapers. If that is happening and the baby is gaining then you should be fine.

Breast Infections-
I remember having this after my second child, my son, who decided to just completely stop nursing and didn't' let me wean him. I didn't pump enough and got to full and got plugged ducts. Then it got more painful to even move. So before long I decided to get on some antibiotics.
You can catch the pain from turning into mastitis by putting a heat pack and massaging the lump (sore area) downward to work it out. You can also nurse as often as possible through all of the pain to help not get mastitis. I always put aspra cream (that you use for sore muscles) with a hot rag over the cream and sore area. I also massage my breast downward with the cream while I am putting it on.

Sometimes mastitis will come unannounced and you will feel like you have the flu. When you feel this way you know that is it not just a plugged duct. Now is when you call your doctor and get on antibiotics. The pain will usually start going away before the day is over, but you want to take the medicine until it is gone. Get alot of rest to make sure that mastitis stays away. Depending on how many antibiotics you are going to be on, you might want to add some acidophilus to your daily routine to make sure you don't get any yeast infections, which can cause plugged ducts.

Keep nursing while you are trying to treat your breast infection. The more you nurse the better off you will be in helping it go away. It won't feel pleasant, but it will help.

If the mastitis is untreated it can turn into something much worse. I have never heard of this but it is called "Abcess". It is much more dangerous than mastitis and sometimes requires surgery. So make sure you don't put off treatment for mastitis.

Breasts Concerns-
Here are some issues that may happen to your breasts that need prompt attention:
*A lump or an area that starts to thicken in your breast or underarm.
*Your breast or nipple starts to change color, texture (becomes wrinkle, scales) with the skin of the breast, nipple or areola.
*You have strange discharging out of your nipple.
*Your breast are changing in their size or shape.

I want to talk about inverted nipples and the best treatments for them. Also about Breast shells vs. Nipple Shields. I forgot to add this in when I talked about nipples, so I will add it into this post. I am very thankful that I don't have to use the shell or shield. I am not sure how I feel about them, but I am not going to tell you to use or not to use them. I don't have a right because I don't have to struggle with flat or inverted nipples. So you decide if they are right or not for you and your baby.

Inverted or Flat Nipples-

The picture on the left is an image of a normal looking breast or a nipple that protrudes normally. The picture on the right is one of a inverted nipple. A flat nipple is just flat against the areola and doesn't protrude, but doesn't sink in like a inverted nipple. (pictures are from You know that you have a flat nipple if it is not stimulated from being caressed or cold. A inverted nipple sinks into the breast when the areola is squeezed.
Here are some treatments to help you nurse with these two different kinds of nipples.
*You can use a pump before feedings to help bring out the nipple and have your baby latch on immediately after pumping.
*Help make your nipple erect by putting it between your thumb and finger and moving it around. You can also help it erect by putting a cold rag or cloth on it.
*You can use the breast shells as I mentioned below. Wear it a half hour before the feeding.
*You can wear a nipple shield as I have mentioned below.
Make sure that you are patient with yourself and your baby. If the baby becomes upset at the beginning of a feeding remember to pull it back off and try to calm your baby down. Then try to nurse again. You don't want your baby to associate the breast with unhappiness and tension. Until you find something to help your nipples and that works for you and your baby, it is going to be a struggle. Try not to give up to easy and remember to ask for some help.
Breasts Shells:

These have two parts to them. One part lays on your breast to help the nipple extend out. The second part is dome-shaped which it used as a protective layer for your nipple. This devise it to help the nipple protrude. You can wear it before and after you nurse, but not during. Make sure when you do nurse that your baby has a wide mouth the latch on to enough of the nipple.

Nipple Shields:

This devise it completely different in that you wear it during the feedings. The advantage to the shield it that is keeps you baby at the breast and gets it use to nursing. You do need to make sure that you find a good fit for you and your baby. It needs to be comfortable on you and it can't be to long or short for the baby to latch on to. If it is to long then it can choke the baby and if it is to short then the baby can't latch on correctly. A good way to measure is putting your little finger in your babies mouth with the fingernail facing down and moving the finger in until you find the babies palate. Then have the baby suck on your finger and see how far your finger in its mouth. The one negative thing about the shields are that some babies get nipple confusion. Your baby can become dependent on the shield and not nurse without it. If you decide to use it just be patient when you try to weaning the baby from the shield. Don't be in a hurry to wean the baby from the shield if it is helping. You can wait until the baby it older and has a hang of latching on and nursing well. You know your baby better than anyone else, so do it at your own time. If you want to try it without the shield, just try it a feeding at a time. If the baby can latch on well and nurses fine then you could probably start weaning off the shield. If the baby still struggles without, then keep using it longer.

They now have this new thing called the "Advent Niplette" that you can order. I don't know anything about it, so make sure you do some research on it and see if it will work for you. I read that it has a high percentage rate of success in the tests that they have done on nursing mothers.

Large Breast, Sagging Breast, Breast Size-

This has been the hardest part for me and having babies. When I got pregnant with my first, my breast got big because I was gaining weight. But then my milk came in and they got bigger. So be prepared when you get your milk in. Then when you are done nursing hopefully they will return to a good size. Everyone told me that they would return to their regular size and I saw my sisters return to the size before nursing and even get smaller. So I thought that I would be ok. Well not really. My breast stayed their size DD even after I was done nursing and they sag alot. I mean alot. My sisters can't believe the size of my breasts after they came from being a size B. So lets just say that they are not attractive. I did talk to someone about it and they said that is it just because I have extra skin and fatty tissue, so getting pregnant and gaining weight made them stretch. I also have one that is slightly bigger and one that sags more. You can't hardly tell the difference thanks to bras. Just make sure that you find a nice bra. The ones I find I have to throw away because they start stretching and not holding me up.

If you get alot bigger then you were, you might have to try different nursing position with your baby. Your baby might have a hard time latching on with just trying the cradle hold. Just remember, nursing comes just as easy for big breasted women as it does for small breasted women.
I shouldn't talk bad about my big breasts. I need to be grateful that I can nurse and that they make my babies so healthy and strong. So be grateful for your breasts everyday and talk nicely about them.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Quote of the Day

"The most important thing a father can do for his children is to love their mother." Author Unknown

All About Nipples

There are so many things that could happen to your nipples as you begin nursing. Most of the problems that occur with nipples, I have not heard about. So we will both learn something new to share with others.

Nipples Blanching-

This is when your nipples turns purple or white and tingles with pain. Sometimes it will contract and react to cold. This could last up to thirty minutes.

Nipple Blanching is also known as Reynauds Syndrome and is fairly common. Sometimes it can happen during or after feedings. Blanching can be caused by nipple trauma such as the baby chomping down to hard because of a overactive letdown, or not latched on correctly. If the trauma to the breast is not from either one above, then treat it with some heat. You can use a rice heating pack or a hot water bottle. But put something in between your breast and the heat so you don't burn your nipple. There are some ointments that will help such as nitroglycerin paste, but ask a lactation consultant to help you use it. Some other moms have used herbal supplements like Flax/borage oil, fish oil. Sometimes moderate exercise will also help. Make sure that it is not thrush that is causing all of your pain. Most problems to the nipples are caused from thrust.

Nipple Blisters-

If you notice a pimple like blister on your nipple, it is called a "Bleb". A white spot that is associated with a plugged duct. Sometimes a bleb is a symptom of thrush. So make sure you treat both you and the baby if you suspect thrush. After you have ruled out thrush, you can treat a bleb like you would a plugged duct. Put some heat on it and have the baby nurse as often as possible. The baby will most likely pop the bleb while nursing but it will not harm the baby. If you can't get the baby to nurse very often then work it out with a pump.

Plugged Ducts-

These appear as a red tender blotch on you breast. This is a sign that the sac that your milk is stored in is plugged. Your baby is not getting the sac emptied at every feeding. If it is untreated it can develop into mastitis.

A plugged duct is caused by:
*Your baby has a poor latch on or a weak suck
*Nursing in the same position every feeding
*Bad fitting nursing bra
*Clothing that is to tight

The best treatment is getting your baby to nurse as often as possible. It will be painful, but the babies suck will be better than a pump or massaging your breasts.

To help deal with the plugged duct, place a hot rice pack on the sore area for a minute or longer. You will need to put something between the hot pack and the breast so you don't get burned.

Here are some tips to help you prevent a plugged duct:
*Try new positions when you nurse
*Make sure that your baby has a proper latch
*Wear a good nursing bra. Don't use underwire bras
*Try to make sure that your breast don't get to full
*Clean your hands before you handle your breasts
*Try to dry your nipples after feedings with air-drying them
* Eat a healthy diet and drink plenty of water

Nipple Bleeding-

This can be caused by a bad pump, incorrect latch, or a dry nipple. Try to make sure you use a good pump if you want to pump. When you do pump, if there is any blood in the milk, make sure you dispose of that pumped milk. Make sure that your baby is latching on correctly. The bleeding could be a cause of thrush, so treat a.s.a.p, both you and the baby.

If your nipples are getting to dry, put some Vitamin E or some lanolin cream. This should be cleared up within a couple of weeks. It will be hard to nurse, but try to keep going.

Nipple Pain-

This pain is just the basic pain that any mother will have when they begin nursing a new baby. So here are some tips to try to make it through the first couple of week.
*Air-dry your nipples after every feeding
*After nursing squeeze some milk from your breast and rub it into the cracks or blisters or you can use nipple ointment.
*Watch and be aware of warning signs of thrush, blisters, plugged ducts, and pain and burning before and after nursing.
*Make sure that your pump is set at a good suction and is not to strong

I will be back tomorrow to talk about thrush and other problems that occur with the whole breast not just the nipple.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Quote of the Day

"A mother is a person who seeing there are only four pieces of pie for five people, promptly announces that she never did care for pie." Tenneva Jordan

Milk Supply

I remember really wanting to nurse my babies and hoping that I would produce enough milk to feed them and enjoy the nursing experience. I am sure every mother wonders if she is going to have enough milk to be able to nurse her babies.

Every mom is going to be different on how much milk she produces and how hardy and creamy to how runny and watery the milk looks. The amount the mother has depends from day to day and even from morning to night. But most mothers are capable of producing a good milk supply for their baby.

For the first two to three day, sometimes longer, your baby will eat from the colostrum. It looks watery and thin, but is healthy enough for your baby for those first few days. Claire Martin, author of the book "The Nursing Mothers problem solver", says that if the baby it acting hungry after feedings, then the baby may not be latched on correctly. The babies are not able to feel full from the colostrum if they aren't sucking right. If the baby is not latched on correctly or is a lazy sucker than your milk will not produce a full supply of milk.

To know if your baby is getting enough the first few weeks of life, make sure that the baby has 6 to 8 soaked diapers in a 24 hour period and the stool is a mustard-color with a sweet odor. Also, if the baby has latched on correctly from the beginning and has a good suck, then your baby is getting enough milk.

Claire Martin also says that, "Almost always, your milk production adjusts to the baby's demands." If you need to increase your milk supply than feed the baby more often. Your body will produce what your baby needs. If your baby wants to nurse more often and is acting hungry sooner, that could mean they are going through a growth spurt.

Some moms might expect their breasts to look full the whole time they are nursing, but that is not true. The older your baby gets the more your breasts shrink and adjust to their right size. Even during nursing time or let downs, the breasts won't feel as full as before. Don't worry about your milk supply because you still have enough.

Somethings that do affect your breast milk are birth control pills and decongestants. You can use these suggestions to improve your supply of milk:
*Drink more fluids, more water. Avoid caffeinated drinks which are dehydrating.
*Get alot of Rest. Nap with the baby if you can and ask for help from others with the chores or cooking.
*Allow the baby to nurse more often, especially during milestones such as, growth spurts or teething.
*Try the herbal supplements Fenugreek, blessed thistle tea, mother's milk tea.

If you feel that you are not producing enough milk then seek some help and don't put it off. If you let it go to long then you probably won't ever produce enough and even loose it all together. I have personally never had to deal with a low supply of milk, but have friends that have and gave up way to soon. So I hope that if nursing is something that you really want to do or try to do, then give it a chance and don't give up to soon.

Thursday, July 9, 2009


Hi! I hope everyone had a wonderful 4th of July. We went up to my families ranch in the mountains. It is so beautiful there. The air seems a little bit airier. The grass and the hills are bright green this year because of all the great rain we had this spring. And the dogs bark louder there and keep you up all night so you can't really enjoy the airier air. But other than that.

My sisters and I practiced and performed "The Dancing Queen" from Mamma Mia at the family reunion program. You can watch it on It is very funny.

I want to continue talking about "The Four Agreements". The first agreement is -- Be Impeccable with Your Word. We can all agree that our words are very powerful. So powerful in fact, that one word can change a life or destroy the lives of millions. We can use our word to give love or sorrow. The author relates a story about a women who was very intelligent and had a very good heart. She had a daughter whom she adored and loved very much. One night she came home from a very bad day at work, tired, full of emotional tension, and with a terrible headache. She wanted peace and quiet, but her daughter was singing and jumping around happily. The daughter was unaware of how her mother was feeling; she was in her own little world. She felt wonderful, and she was singing louder and louder, expressing her joy and her love. This made her mother's headache even worse, and at a certain moment, the mother lost control. Angrily she looked at her beautiful little girl and said, "Shut up! You have an ugly voice. Can you just shut up!"

The truth is that the mother's tolerance for any noise was nonexistent; it was not that the little girl's voice was ugly. But the daughter believed what her mother said, and in that moment she made an agreement with herself to never sing again. She became shy at school, and if she was asked to sing, she refused.

When we hear an opinion and believe it, we make an agreement, and it becomes part of our belief system. Sometimes these agreements are hard to break and only when we realize the truth can we set ourselves free. I hope this week we will listen to what we are saying to our special ones and say something kind and sweet every chance we get.

LeAnna taught me this when she was dating her honey. She called him "Loves" and "Lovie". It was so cute to watch them fall in love with each other. Oh, what a fun time his brothers had with that. When the love birds weren't around, one brother would ask another, " Oh, Lovie, do you want to watch some baseball with me tonight?" And the other one would reply in a high pitched voice, "Yes, Loves , let's do it!"

I find when I use endearing words like sweety and love, I am kinder and have more empathy for my loved ones. They respond with ease and love comes back to me.

Thanks for being there. CUTIE PIE! HONEY BUNCH!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Quote of the Day

"Of all the rights of women, the greatest is to be a mother." Lin Yutang, Chinese Writer

Pumping and Storing milk

I am sorry that I haven't posted for awhile. I have been out of town and then had company come into town to visit.
I thought that I would post some pumping tips and then move on to stored milk and how long and what to store the milk in.

I never started pumping until after the first week of nursing. I know some moms use it to help their milk come in. Some moms need to pump right when their milk comes in because they have so much and are to engorged for the baby to latch on. Sometimes I was so full at night that I have to wake up and pump because I would be in pain. So pump when your breasts are painful or lumpy, because you don't want to get an infection. If you are going to be away from your baby for long periods of time, try to pump at the same time that you would have a feeding to keep your milk supply up.
I bought a medela electric pump from a hospital for about $100 and it has been a great pump. I haven't heard about any other pump but I am sure that you can order some online and find a great pump that works for you.

When I did start pumping I pumped an hour after I would nurse. I wanted to make sure that I could stock on some milk so if I needed to go out during a feeding. If you feel like you don't have enough milk, then try feeding your baby more often and see if that will increase your milk. The baby suck is hard and better to make more milk then a pump will be. You can also try a mother's milk tea or an herb called Fenugreek. I had a sister use Fenugreek and it worked well to where she was able to nurse four months longer then she thought she would be able to.

Pumping Tips

*If you are pumping and aren't getting alot out, be patient and keep pumping and your milk will increase.
*Make sure that you understand how your pump works because you could cause red sore nipples if the pressure is to high and the speed is to fast.
*If your nipples are sore use some Vitamin E or some lanolin-based ointment before you pump.
*You can lean forward a little bit while pumping to increase the flow of the milk.
*Towards the end of pumping, you can massage your breast to make sure that you have emptied them all of the way.
*Read the directions on how to clean your pump and sterilize it. You can order more parts if they break or melt in the dishwasher. You might want to order more parts at the same time you order your pump just to make sure that you will have them if something happens.

Storing and Using Expressed Milk

*After pumping put the milk into milk bags you find in the baby section at your supermarket and remember to label it with the date.
*Freshly pumped milk can sit in the refrigerator for 3 to 4 days before it spoils.
*You can keep your unrefrigerated milk out in the open for about 15 hours before it spoils.
*Store your milk in the bags containing 2 or 3 ounces at a time so you don't end up wasting the milk. Store the milk in the back or middle of the freezer. Don't put it on the door because everytime the freezer is opened it can thaw the milk out.
*Always put frozen milk into a bowl with warm water to thaw it out. Never use a microwave.
*You can thaw your milk out in the refrigerator but it must be used within 24 hours. If there is extra milk in the bottle when the baby is done eating, save the extra but it must be used within 24 hours from the time of the feeding.
*You can store frozen milk in the back or the middle of the freezer for about 3 to 6 months and a deep freezer for 6 months.

Some other things to look for when storing milk is if it looks curdled or smells funny don't use it. If you didn't chill your milk before putting it in the freezer it make look chalky when thawing it out. It is still fine to use chalky looking milk. If you pump and get blood in your milk you may have some kind of infection and need to see your doctor right away. If you get the flu you can still feed your baby, but throw your pumped milk out while you are sick. If your milk and thick and clumpy while pumping than you could have mastitis and need to see your doctor right away. After the milk it stored in the freezer it will separate into two layers and that is normal. That way you will be able to see how creamer your milk it. I was always called the creamy woman or the creamery because I have alot of cream on the top when the milk separates. My babies got fat fast from nursing all of that cream. Pumping is not the greatest, but it will help your milk increase and help you have a life and go out once in a while.